Cette page rassemble les évennements scientifiques :
- soit totalement organisés par l'association,
- soit coorganisés avec un partenaire,
- soit extérieur mais d'intérêt pour la communauté.
La première école francophone d’été sur les spectroscopies d’électrons a pour objectif de former et d’informer un large public sur les fondements, les performances et les utilisations de ces techniques dans différents domaines scientifiques d’application. Elle concerne aussi bien un public de doctorant abordant l’aspect utilisation basique des techniques comme un outil de caractérisation dans le cadre de leurs travaux de thèse que les spécialistes de ces techniques souhaitant optimiser et pousser l’utilisation des techniques dans leurs limites. L’intérêt de cette école réside dans la multiplicité de domaines scientifiques des intervenants formateurs.
The main theme of EUROCORR 2015 will be “Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Corrosion happens everywhere”. The conference aims to assert the critical role of corrosion science, technology and engineering in extending the lifecycle of materials in different elds of applications (earth, fire, water, air).
September 6-10, 2015
Graz, Austria
The 31st European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-31) will be held at the International Convention Center of Barcelona from August 31th to September 4th, 2015. ECOSS is a well established meeting with a longstanding tradition that started back in 1978 in Amsterdam and is organized jointly by the Surface Science Division of IUVSTA and the Surface and Interface Section of the European Physical Society.
The 16th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis ECASIA'15, Granada (Spain) between September 28th and October 1st, 2105. ECASIA is an established international Conference series concerned with all aspects of biological, chemical and physical interactions at interfaces, and is targeted at those using surface analytical, surface specific or surface sensitive techniques for fundamental and applied purposes.
The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition addresses cutting edge issues associated with materials, processing and interfaces in both the research and manufacturing communities. The weeklong Symposium fosters a multidisciplinary environment that cuts across traditional boundaries between disciplines, featuring papers from AVS Technical Division, Groups, Focus Topics on emerging technologies and more